9 december 2010

René Knip

One of the best Dutch designers in my opinion is René Knip. We attended the same Art College but I'm afraid that's where the similarity ends... His work revolves around typography and typedesign, in the widest sense of the word. He combines a craftsman’s use of materials with a personal concept of design in which he works together with authors and poets. Gebroeders Knip was founded with his brother, Edgar Knip, who is an industrial designer. They use two-dimensional lettering, as created by René, to give form and poetry to the three-dimensional structures that Edgar creates. Look at his amazing work on his website.

The garland below is also his design. It's lying around in my house, you see, I'm pretty hesitant to cut out the letters and use them as an actual garland. It would be a shame to ruine the design!


1 opmerking:

  1. Weet jij misschien waarom die werkelijk prachtige straatnaambordjes nooit zijn gerealiseerd op IJburg?
    En wat hadden ze ook prima gepast bij de uitstraling van alle gebouwen op het Westerpark. Want de kunststof rommel die er nu tegen de gevels hangt is natuurlijk een enorme gemiste kans. n.b. Terwijl René Knip wél de belettering van KUNSTENHUIS heeft gedaan op hetzelfde terrein.


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