1 april 2011

Working on doodles

I often get questions about my doodles. My doodles are mostly structures, textures drawn by hand, ink on paper. I call them doodles because that's how it started; Mindless doodling whilst on the telephone or during meetings. One day I decided to 'blow-up' the better ideas and I started making repetitions of structures on A4-paper, using a Rapidograph (0,35 mm). Most of the time I make them sitting on the couch, in front of the TV. It kind of developed into my own pieces of 'art'. I scan them and I sometimes use one in a design, but most of all I do it because it helps me ease my mind.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Zou zeker die ene (van de tweede foto van boven) wel in een lijstje aan mijn muur willen! En die andere eigenlijk ook wel.
    Fijn weekend!

  2. Dank je! Dat is leuk om te horen/lezen. Jij ook een fijn weekend!


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