25 mei 2011

Shawn Smith



The artist statement:
'My work investigates the slippery intersection between the digital world and reality. Specifically, I am interested in how we experience nature through technology. When we see images of nature on TV or on a computer screen, we feel that we are seeing nature but we are really only seeing patterns of pixilated light. [...] '
See more of his inspiring work here.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh wow! Love all of this work, but developing a weak spot for the birdies... Thanks for sharing!

  2. Marvellous! I read his whole artist's statment -- very interesting. I love the fire best.

  3. Absolutely gorgeous, I think! The fire is truly amazing.

  4. Niet te filmen dit zeg! erg leuk om de achtergrond van de kunst werken te lezen.

  5. Webshop is al wel aangemaakt, maar nog niet open. Eerst de crafticmarkt in Deventer op 5 juni als ik daar weinig verkoop gaat tie open ;-) Laat je wel weten. Wil het goed doen veel werk!


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