5 februari 2012

Liebster blog award

Tineke Meierink (the wonderful stop:watch illustrator) gave me the Liebster blog award a few weeks ago.
Thanks so much Tineke! It means a lot to me, Im a big fan of your work!

Tineke awarded my other blog (My absent mind). I thought it would be best to move the award over to Turning Pages 'cause I have more visitors here. This award can each time be given to 5 blogs which have up to 200 followers.
These 5 blogs are worth your visit, I'd like to see each of them grow in number of followers!

1001 faces by Anja Brunt. Many of you know the blog but she still has got enough followers!
Anja has a second blog where she shows her other work and inspiration
(Anja is on holiday right now, surprise her with a new face in het followers list) 

A stamp a day by Gertie Jacquet. Very inspirational!

Knoopjes by Saskia. A delightful blog with wonderful collections and great thrift treasures.

Newem by Darja Charapova. I can finally award her beautiful artwork! 

T-A-K by Marieke Tol. Marieke is a friend of my friend Yvette. I haven't met her yet but I'm inspired by her creativity! She is a driving force behind Jaszak Schatten as well.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. oh my, an award... didn't prepare a speech, but am honoured to be part of this list with inspiring links... Thanks!

  2. Wow wat ontzettend lief!! Dankjewel voel me zeer vereerd :)
    Het bloggen is er bij mij de laatste tijd inderdaad bij ingeschoten..maar zeker van plan om het weer op te pakken.
    Heel veel liefs!

  3. oh woauw... ik voel me ook erg vereerd!
    sorry dat ik zo laat reageer, ik was heel druk en toen nog een paar dagen naar frankrijk.
    dankjewel :^) liefs, gertie


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