10 februari 2011

Anja Brunt - 365 faces

Last year I follow Lisa Congdons' wonderful blog 'a collection a day'. I was often envious of her collections...
This year a few new 365-days-projects started. A great one to follow is 365 face by Anja Brunt. I got to know Anja Brunt through Twitter. She has two blogs, her Creative Works blog and her 365 face project blog. Here's what she says about this project:

Last year I made several handmade faces from vintage fabrics. I discovered how many possibilities there are to create a face (expression). This year I am going make 365 faces! I will post an overview from 7 faces at the end of every week.
For each week I will print a postcard which you'll be able to order for € 2,- (including postage)

Needless to say, I'm envious of Anja's creativity as well! 

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