26 juli 2011

Holiday greetings!

I'll be on holiday for about two weeks, starting tomorrow. I'll be back in the second week of August, hopefully well rested and very inspired! Have a great time and hope to see you back here soon!


Holiday with Okki

Two vintage holiday books for children. One is for Christmas and the other for the summer. Although we're in the middle of the summer the weather in Holland feels more like Christmas is coming up soon... 
Fortunately we're leaving for Italy in a few days time!

25 juli 2011

Summer holidays in South Devon

I found this lovely booklet form 1936 in a thriftshop. Really great, a treasure! It's a programme for holidays in South Devon, but it also contains song lyrics. I was wondering if some of you whom are from the UK recognise the songtitles?


24 juli 2011

Anna Ura


Images of blurry lights can be very beautiful and inspiring. Take a good look at these images, these aren't photographic pictures but they're actually oil paintings by artist Anna Ura:

'All of my paintings are based on photographs, or video stills taken while traveling. Through these images, I strive to evoke the feeling of a place, rather than the straightforward documentation of traditional landscape painting. The images are often blurred through movement or the act of passing through. They are the moments in between destinations. These images tend to etch strongest in my memory of the places I've been and evoke nostalgia and a sense of longing for distant places and times.'

23 juli 2011

Official documents



In an earlier post I showed you my grandfather's diplomas. These are a few more and some official documents and correspondance.