18 oktober 2011

Tactile lettering - Dominique Falla

I stumbled upon Dominique Falla's 'We are all part of the same thing' via Bumbumbum. On her website I discovered her beautiful pieces of tactile lettering/typography. She combines digital creation with analogue output. 

Above: We are all a Part of the Same Thing
An entry for the Positive Posters competition.

Above: Tactile alphabet, a series of 26 pieces, where each letter of the alphabet is illustrated using a technique that starts with that letter; A is for Applique, H is for Herringbone stitch, V is for Vinyl-cut

Above: cosy sweaters, embroidered on paper
A typeface designed by Dominique based on the Fair Isle style of knitting

Above: We heart home, embroidered felt

Above: Ideas are 1% Inspiration … 99% Perspiration, map pins on foam board

 Above: Shared vision, paper cut

Above: The better you look..., embroidered in cross stitch
Made for a book inspired by Stefan Sagmeister’s “Things I Have Learned in My Life”

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Gaaf dit letters zijn eindelooos, ben net zelf ook met een letter bezig van stof voor pasgeboren baby. Post 'm binnenkort wel.

  2. Klinkt gaaf! Ik ben zelf geinspireerd geraakt door deze post om eens andere middelen te gebruiken voor mijn structuren


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