31 oktober 2012

Valentines - Marian Bantjes

Marian Bantjes is one of my favorite designers. On her website I came across these Valentine cards (2012) which she made: 
'Because I travel a lot, I decided to use old postcards for my Valentines this year. I sent about 480, and the cards range over about 90 years: from 1901 to the late '80s, I think. They are from all over the world and they went all over the world. About 100 of them had writing on the back and had been posted before.
Then, they're all overprinted in silver with my image, which says "From me wherever I am / To you wherever you are."'

The Valentine Cards below are from 2010:
'I solicited my friends to send me all their used Christmas cards, and I started getting exciting envelopes of cards in the mail. I created the design of the heart for laser cutting. I wanted most of the card image to be cut away, but there to be enough left that some semblance of image remained; that you could tell it came from a christmas card. The final result exceeded my most hopeful expectations. How these cards (most of which were, in their original state, nothing special, or even downright ugly) gained so much more from the process.'

24 oktober 2012

Aggregation - Chun Kwang Young

Korean contemporary artist Chun Kwang Young is best known for his free-standing compositions and two-dimensional low-reliefs made of small triangles of Styrofoam wrapped in printed mulberry paper, each small piece tied with twisted "threads" of the paper.

Most of the works from his "Aggregation" series have tended to be in monochromatic black-and-white or sepia and rust colors. But for his new pieces Chun has injected striking touches of color.
"When I started the Aggregation in late 1980, I wanted to express and take forward the spirit of Korean traditions using mulberry paper, which used to be indigenous to every Korean household," Then in 2004, my work started to look more like lunar landscapes and dry desert as I wanted to express my anger and criticism toward modern society and how it is destroying environment."

Read more here


21 oktober 2012

Autumn break in Luxembourg

It's autumn break in the northern parts of the Netherlands. Which means that a lot of people go on holiday. The Belgian Ardennes and Luxemburg are quite favorite destinations for a short break.
amongst the Dutch. This travel brochure is probably from the sixties.
Illustrations by Raymond Renard. 

12 oktober 2012

Cinderella on a felt board

I remember the felt board in our classroom. I used to think it was magic how the pieces stuck to the board. A few months ago I came across the Cinderella fairy tale in felt at a flea market. Every pieces was still there!