I love these books, I've got three of them. They contain 2 fairy tales, illustrated in a happy, colorful style. I'll show the other two books in a different post.
It's been a while since I posted any vintage games. I haven't come across a lot of 'new' ones lately. This game is from 1950, it's similar to Ludo. Unfortunately the box is in poor condition.
Seem like such a long time ago that we used films, photographic paper and light bulbs like these. I used to hate working in the dark room. I was never any good at it. I didn't have the patience for it. I prefer Instagram!
Last week my son and his team became the champions of their F-league. For this occasion my husband photographed the proud players in the dressing room.
I love to discover vintage dog books. The pictures in it are often so hilarious. This one isn't even that old, but some of the photos really made me smile. So cheesy!