Back in Art College I once had a photography assignment with the theme: 100 by 100, 10 by 10 and 1 by 1 metres. I had to determine nd go to a place which held a lot of memories for me. I explored studied and photograph this place and showed my memories in the pictures.
I choose the old ferry which sailed between Breskens and Vlissingen in the South of Holland (Zeeland). This particular place held a lot of memories for me, but the most important ones were a feeling of vacation, summer and freedom. Hence the last picture. This particular ferry is no longer in use, at least not in Zeeland.
Oh, this brings back memories. I used to go back and forth with my Dad when he had to run an errand in the weekend. He always bought me a tin of wybertjes. Which I finished before we got back to Vlissingen.